Advent of Code 2015, Day 7: Some Assembly Required

Advent of Code 2015, Day 7: Some Assembly Required

Puzzle Part One:

This year, Santa brought little Bobby Tables a set of wires and bitwise logic gates! Unfortunately, little Bobby is a little under the recommended age range, and he needs help assembling the circuit.

Each wire has an identifier (some lowercase letters) and can carry a 16-bit signal (a number from 0 to 65535). A signal is provided to each wire by a gate, another wire, or some specific value. Each wire can only get a signal from one source, but can provide its signal to multiple destinations. A gate provides no signal until all of its inputs have a signal.

The included instructions booklet describes how to connect the parts together: x AND y -> z means to connect wires x and y to an AND gate, and then connect its output to wire z.

For example:

  • 123 -> x means that the signal 123 is provided to wire x.

  • x AND y -> z means that the bitwise AND of wire x and wire y is provided to wire z.

  • p LSHIFT 2 -> q means that the value from wire p is left-shifted by 2 and then provided to wire q.

  • NOT e -> f means that the bitwise complement of the value from wire e is provided to wire f.

Other possible gates include OR (bitwise OR) and RSHIFT (right-shift). If, for some reason, you'd like to emulate the circuit instead, almost all programming languages (for example, C, JavaScript, or Python) provide operators for these gates.

For example, here is a simple circuit:

123 -> x
456 -> y
x AND y -> d
x OR y -> e
x LSHIFT 2 -> f
y RSHIFT 2 -> g
NOT x -> h
NOT y -> i

After it is run, these are the signals on the wires:

d: 72
e: 507
f: 492
g: 114
h: 65412
i: 65079
x: 123
y: 456

In little Bobby's kit's instructions booklet (provided as your puzzle input), what signal is ultimately provided to wire a?

My Solution:

  1. Module Import and Variable Creation: It imports the input module and the HashMap library from std::collections. Then, it creates two HashMaps: operations to store operations and operations_solved to keep track of the results of solved operations.

  2. Reading and Preparing Data:

    • Reads an input string (possibly bitwise operation instructions) from input::get_input().

    • Removes "->" characters from the input string.

    • Splits the input into lines and each line into words, storing these words in operations. Each key in operations is a wire identifier, and the value is a vector of words representing an operation.

  3. Executing Operations:

    • Calls the find_value function for wire "a" and passes the operations and the solved operations HashMap as references.

    • Prints the result of this operation.

  4. Function is_numeric:

    • Checks if a string is numeric, returning true if all characters in the string are digits.
  5. Function find_value:

    • Recursive, used to find and compute the value for a given key (a wire identifier).

    • First, it looks in operations_solved to see if the value has already been computed.

    • If not, it parses and executes the specified operation in operations, which can be a numeric value, NOT, AND, OR, RSHIFT, or LSHIFT.

    • Computes the value, stores it in operations_solved, and returns it.

mod input;
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {
    let input = input::get_input();
    let mut operations: HashMap<&str, Vec<&str>> = HashMap::new();
    let mut operations_solved: HashMap<&str, u16> = HashMap::new();
    let binding = input.replace("->", "");

    // reading input
    for operation_string in binding.split("\n") {
        // divide usefull words in a vector
        let mut words: Vec<&str> = operation_string.trim().split(" ").collect();
        // get the character identifier for wire
        let key = words.pop().expect("No key found");
        // remove las element '->'

        // save wire and it's bitwise operation in a hasmap
        operations.insert(key, words);

    //excute operation
    let result = find_value("a", &operations, &mut operations_solved);
    println!("{}", result)

fn is_numeric(value: &str) -> bool {

fn find_value<'a>(
    key: &'a str,
    operations: &'a HashMap<&str, Vec<&str>>,
    operations_solved: &mut HashMap<&'a str, u16>,
) -> u16 {
    if let Some(op) = operations_solved.get(key) {
        return *op;

    if let Some(op) = &operations.get(key) {
        let result = match op.as_slice() {
            [value] => {
                if is_numeric(value) {
                    value.parse::<u16>().expect("conversion error")
                } else {
                    find_value(value, operations, operations_solved)
            ["NOT", value] => {
                let value_u16 = if is_numeric(value) {
                    value.parse::<u16>().expect("conversion error")
                } else {
                    find_value(value, operations, operations_solved)
            [left_value, op, right_value] => {
                let left_value_u16 = if is_numeric(left_value) {
                    left_value.parse::<u16>().expect("conversion error")
                } else {
                    find_value(left_value, operations, operations_solved)

                let right_value_u16 = if is_numeric(right_value) {
                    right_value.parse::<u16>().expect("conversion error")
                } else {
                    find_value(right_value, operations, operations_solved)

                match *op {
                    "AND" => left_value_u16 & right_value_u16,
                    "OR" => left_value_u16 | right_value_u16,
                    "RSHIFT" => left_value_u16 >> right_value_u16,
                    "LSHIFT" => left_value_u16 << right_value_u16,
                    _ => {
                        println!("not found");
            _ => {
                println!("not found");

        operations_solved.insert(key, result);
    } else {
        println!("not found");
} (for testing)

pub fn get_input() -> &'static str {
    "123 -> x
    NOT y -> i
    x LSHIFT 2 -> f
    x AND y -> d
    456 -> y
    x OR y -> e
    b RSHIFT 2 -> g
    NOT x -> h
    g -> a
    h RSHIFT 2 -> b"

Part Two:

Now, take the signal you got on wire a, override wire b to that signal, and reset the other wires (including wire a). What new signal is ultimately provided to wire a?

My Solution:

The same code is fine, joust only changes the b value.