Advent of Code 2015, Day 5: Doesn't He Have Intern-Elves For This?

Advent of Code 2015, Day 5: Doesn't He Have Intern-Elves For This?

Puzzle Part One

Santa needs help figuring out which strings in his text file are naughty or nice.

A nice string is one with all of the following properties:

  • It contains at least three vowels (aeiou only), like aei, xazegov, or aeiouaeiouaeiou.

  • It contains at least one letter that appears twice in a row, like xx, abcdde (dd), or aabbccdd (aa, bb, cc, or dd).

  • It does not contain the strings ab, cd, pq, or xy, even if they are part of one of the other requirements.

For example:

  • ugknbfddgicrmopn is nice because it has at least three vowels (u...i...o...), a double letter (...dd...), and none of the disallowed substrings.

  • aaa is nice because it has at least three vowels and a double letter, even though the letters used by different rules overlap.

  • jchzalrnumimnmhp is naughty because it has no double letter.

  • haegwjzuvuyypxyu is naughty because it contains the string xy.

  • dvszwmarrgswjxmb is naughty because it contains only one vowel.

How many strings are nice?

My Solution:

  • First I created an input file to store the large input string.

  • Then I read, split for each broken line, and converted it into Vect<&str> named input.

  • declared a variable named nice_count for counting nice words.

  • in the input words iteration, first, trim each of the words and check if it's a nice word with the is_nice function, if true add one to the nice_count variable.

  • in the is_nice function, I invoke other three functions:

    • has_three_vowels: iterate the vowels string and check that it contains at least three characters from the word.

    • letter_appears_twice: iterate word chars and return true if the last character in the interaction is the same as the current.

    • not_contain_strings: iterate the bad_strings vec and check if any word in vec is in the word, return false.

  • finally return nice_count, which returns the total of nice words.

mod input;

fn main() {
    let input: Vec<&str> = input::input().split('\n').collect();
    let mut nice_count = 0;
    for i in input {
        let input_trimmed = i.trim();
        if is_nice(input_trimmed) {
            nice_count += 1
    println!("There are {} nice strings", nice_count)

fn is_nice(word: &str) -> bool {
    return has_three_vowels(word) && letter_appears_twice(word) && not_contain_strings(word);

fn not_contain_strings(word: &str) -> bool {
    let bad_strings = vec!["ab", "cd", "pq", "xy"];

    return !bad_strings.iter().any(|i| word.contains(i));

fn letter_appears_twice(word: &str) -> bool {
    let mut last_letter = ' ';
    let mut twice = false;

    for c in word.chars() {
        if c == last_letter {
            twice = true
        last_letter = c


fn has_three_vowels(word: &str) -> bool {
    let mut vowels_count = 0;
    let vowels = "aeiou";

    for c in word.chars() {
        if vowels.contains(c) {
            vowels_count += 1

    vowels_count > 2

pub fn input() -> &'static str {

Part Two:

Realizing the error of his ways, Santa has switched to a better model of determining whether a string is naughty or nice. None of the old rules apply, as they are all clearly ridiculous.

Now, a nice string is one with all of the following properties:

  • It contains a pair of any two letters that appears at least twice in the string without overlapping, like xyxy (xy) or aabcdefgaa (aa), but not like aaa (aa, but it overlaps).

  • It contains at least one letter which repeats with exactly one letter between them, like xyx, abcdefeghi (efe), or even aaa.

For example:

  • qjhvhtzxzqqjkmpb is nice because is has a pair that appears twice (qj) and a letter that repeats with exactly one letter between them (zxz).

  • xxyxx is nice because it has a pair that appears twice and a letter that repeats with one between, even though the letters used by each rule overlap.

  • uurcxstgmygtbstg is naughty because it has a pair (tg) but no repeat with a single letter between them.

  • ieodomkazucvgmuy is naughty because it has a repeating letter with one between (odo), but no pair that appears twice.

How many strings are nice under these new rules?

My solution:

in the is_nice_part_two function, I invoke other two functions:

  • have_pair_twice: This function in Rust checks if a given string (word) contains any pair of adjacent characters that repeats elsewhere in the string, not directly adjacent to the first occurrence.

    • It initializes pair_list, a vector of tuples, each containing a u32 and a String. The vector starts with a single element (0, String::new()).

    • The function then iterates through the characters of the input string word, starting from the first character (index 1).

    • For each character, it retrieves the current character and the one preceding it.

    • A new string new_pair is formed by concatenating these two characters.

    • The function checks if new_pair already exists in pair_list, with the condition that the pair is not immediately adjacent to the current pair (x.0 != (i - 1) as u32). If such a pair is found, the function returns true, indicating a repeat of a character pair elsewhere in the string.

    • If no repeat is found, the new pair (i as u32, new_pair) is added to pair_list.

    • The function returns false if no repeating pair is found after iterating through all characters.

  • This Rust function, have_letter_repeat, checks if a given string (word) contains any characters that repeat with exactly one character in between them.

    • It iterates through the characters of the string starting from the third character (index 2).

    • For each iteration, the function retrieves the current character and the character two positions before it.

    • It then checks if these two characters are the same. If they are, the function immediately returns true, indicating that there is a repeating character with exactly one character in between.

    • If no such repeating characters are found throughout the iteration, the function returns false.

mod input;

fn main() {
    let input: Vec<&str> = input::input().split('\n').collect();

    nice_count = 0;
    for i in &input {
        let input_trimmed = i.trim();
        if is_nice_part_two(input_trimmed) {
            nice_count += 1

    println!("There are {} nice strings for part two", nice_count);

fn is_nice_part_two(word: &str) -> bool {
    return have_pair_twice(word) && have_letter_repeat(word);

fn have_letter_repeat(word: &str) -> bool {
    for i in 2..word.chars().count() {
        let current_char = word.chars().nth(i).unwrap_or(' ');
        let previous_char = word.chars().nth((i as u32 - 2) as usize).unwrap_or(' ');

        if current_char == previous_char {
            return true;


fn have_pair_twice(word: &str) -> bool {
    let mut pair_list: Vec<(u32, String)> = vec![(0, String::new())];

    for i in 1..word.chars().count() {
        let current_char = word.chars().nth(i).unwrap_or(' ');
        let previous_char = word.chars().nth((i as u32 - 1) as usize).unwrap_or(' ');

        let new_pair = format!("{}{}", previous_char, current_char);

        if pair_list
            .any(|x| x.1 == new_pair && x.0 != (i - 1) as u32)
            return true;

        pair_list.push((i as u32, new_pair));
